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UN Child Rights Committee rules that countries bear cross-border responsibility for harmful impact of climate change
GENEVA – In a historic ruling on the harmful effects of climate change on children’s rights, the Child Rights Committee has found that a State party can be held responsible for the negative impact of its carbon emissions on the rights of children both within and outside its territory. The Child Rights Committee (CRC) published its ruling…

The “I” in Voting
The doers and sufferers have been familiar with the term “Climate Crisis” in recent years. But what is it really? It’s the maturity of humanity’s little baby called “climate change.” It’s so normalized that it’s commercialized by the corporate world, which is also the same world that contributes a huge chunk to this crisis. It’s…

Cascades of Change
Grassroots movement have sprouted all over the world in an attempt to push for their respective advocacies. Many would say that this is the power of collective action. What we call the “bottom-up” approach consists of these tiny sparks of change at a local level that brings about ripples that eventually drive the decision-makers to…

Can Voting Halt Climate Crisis?
All things come with a price tag and you have to decide whether you’re willing to pay the cost. It began this way: Inside the comfort of your living room, you’re watching the television. You face the news with trepidation as you found out that fifty years from now, the planet you’re living in will…

As COVID-19 hits tourism, popular snorkeling spot in Coron finds ways to thrive
When the Philippines started implementing lockdowns due to the pandemic last year, the tourism industry was among those hardly hit. Siete Pecados Marine Park (SPMP), a 153-hectare community-managed eco-tourism spot in Coron, Palawan, was no exception. Since quarantine restrictions were put in place last year, SPMP has not generated income, even during the summer months…

DepEd-DRRMS, AYEJ kick off second environmental journalism training for school paper advisers, young journalists
To help reinforce the role of journalism in climate action and environmental reportage, the Department of Education through the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Service (DepEd-DRRMS) alongside the Association of Young Environmental Journalists (AYEJ) launched The Green Beat Initiative + (TGBI+), last Friday, August 27, with its first virtual synchronous learning session. TGBI+ is the second…